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Lost Expectancies


This exhibition deals with loss… specifically the loss of an unborn child early in pregnancy. 

Miscarriages are common, occurring in up to 20% of pregnancies.  That is one in five pregnancies ending before birth – in a so-called “failed pregnancy” - yet in our society the subject is covered in a veil of silence.  


A suspended boat made of white gauze is used as a metaphor for the empty cradle, transporting the unborn across the mythical River Styx to the underworld of Ancient Greek lore, where their souls wait to be born into a new body.  The white gauze is used as material to represent bandages for the healing of the pain of miscarriage, providing a cocoon of comfort for the mother and child. 

The installation of the boat and other works becomes a funerary ritual for mourning and healing. 

© 2023 by Elske Henderson

Cape Town, South Africa | |

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